how long should you rest between sets

how long should you rest between sets?

You slap on the plates, get on the bench, crank out your 10 reps and then... you wait. And sometimes you're sitting there thinking, "How...

8 Best Calisthenics Equipment for Better Indoor Workouts

It has been 4 years now that I’ve been doing bodyweight training, and I got all the best calisthenics equipment that I need for...
how many reps and sets should I do, Mike Mentzer

how many reps and sets should I do?

If you've read this blog’s article on "how many reps you should do?" there's a good chance that you're probably thinking, "what about sets?" And...
weighted calisthenics guide

Don’t Start Weighted Calisthenics Until You Read This [Ultimate Guide]

Bringing some more weight into your training through the form of vests or belts is an effective way of creating a more progressive overload. If...

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